500 ml.

  • The Picual variety is the most represented olive in terms of cultivated surface area and extra virgin olive oil production in the world. Its excellent productivity and fat yield make it the primary choice for harvesting. Su marcada personalidad organoléptica en sus principales atributos, frutado, amargo y picante, que siendo bien elaborados presentan un perfecto equilibrio para disfrutar de su alta intensidad, la hacen fundamental en nuestra cocina. Picual Extra Virgin Olive Oil also contains numerous beneficial health properties due to its nutritional composition. Picual Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the variety with the highest oleic acid (monounsaturated fat) that exceeds 80% of its lipid profile. It also has high levels of lignans, sterols, pigments, vitamins A and E, and polyphenols (natural antioxidants). Likewise, the polyunsaturated fatty acids like linoleic acid are low, making this oil oxidation and rancid resistant. It is ideal for individuals with high cholesterol, as it helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). The polyphenols also have been linked to possible reduction of lipid oxidation in blood. These benefits make EVOO key for the Mediterranean diet.

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  • Without a doubt this is our most exclusive product. Its green fruity and herbaceous notes are very characteristic of the variety and offer a unique appeal in the market. Our curiosity made us want to explore this variety. The result is a special and unique oil for the market. It has a perfume that reminds us that we must take care of our heritage and that everything counts. Our ancestors understood this and it is thanks to their efforts that it has survived until our days.

    Its organoleptic attributes are achieved using ideal harvesting and very strict oil milling methods, which help us obtain oil with a high content of Vitamin E, sterols, pigments and polyphenols. This care contributes to the minority components that should be encouraged in our diet.

    We are the only producer in the world that markets this exclusive variety.

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  • Our new variety has been selected for its great ability to adapt to cold climates and the agricultural environment. We are obtaining exceptional oils due to the unique conditions of our groves. Its herbaceous and sweet fruity aromas are very characteristic. It is the most suitable for novice olive oil consumers or for children. Its aroma of fresh fruit compote and its sweet taste will help you ease into the world of the Mediterranean diet and healthy eating. Its high content of volatile, minority components are also noteworthy and provide a unique aroma obtained from a meticulous manufacturing process.
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Discover Finca La Pontezuela's 5 Elements Extra Virgin Olive Oil, one of the best EVOOs in the world, with more than 72 national and international awards.
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